Slagwerk Den Haag, Aart Strootman and the Plastic Soup Surfer Merijn Tinga
Via a composition of Aart Strootman performed by Slagwerk Den Haag, the Sea Surround Sound Film will enable you to experience the mission of the Plastic Soup Surfer, Merijn Tinga through the senses. The actions of Merijn Tinga can be seen on a screen and are reinforced by the live sounds of Slagwerk Den Haag.
The composition, called Bauxite, has been inspired by the actions and ambitions of the Plastic Soup Surfer. It is a resounding reflection of what the Plastic Soup Surfer tries to challenge: endless plastic pollution and the persistent consumer society.
This performance starts with a short introduction of fifteen minutes (16:30 – 16:45 hours). And this is followed by the performance of one hour (16:45 – 17:45 hours).
The ticket includes a drink before or after the performance. We only work with hard cups with a deposit, except for coffee and tea. Pay the deposit (€3 per hardcup/person) in the ticket shop. When you return the hardcup you will get your money back.
Do you want to go to several performances? First complete your payment in the ticket shop below, then go back to the programme and pay the other performance(s) of your choice.
Children up to and including 12 years of age, CJP or Ooievaarspas? We offer a special discount price. Buy this discount ticket in the special ticket shop.